Biology 235 Human Anatomy and Physiology

Study Guide

Chapter 6
The Skeletal System: Bone Tissue


After completing this chapter, you should be able to

  1. describe the main functions of bones.
  2. identify the parts of a long bone.
  3. describe the histological features of bone tissue.
  4. describe the steps in intramembranous and endochondral ossification.
  5. describe how bone grows in length and thickness.
  6. describe the processes involved in bone remodeling.
  7. describe the sequence of events in the repair of a fracture.
  8. describe the role of bone in calcium homeostasis.

Keywords and Topics

Make certain that you can define, and use in context, each of the terms listed below, and that you understand the significance of each of the concepts.

  1. Describe the main functions of bones.
    1. functions of the skeletal system
      1. support
      2. protection
      3. assistance in movement
      4. mineral homeostasis (storage and release)
      5. blood cell production
      6. red bone marrow
      7. hemopoiesis
      8. triglyceride storage
      9. yellow bone marrow
  2. Identify the parts of a long bone.
    1. structure of a long bone
      1. diaphysis
      2. epiphysis (plural is epiphyses)
      3. metaphysis (plural is metaphyses)
      4. epiphyseal plate and line
      5. articular cartilage
      6. periosteum
        1. outer fibrous layer
        2. inner osteogenic layer
        3. perforating fibers or Sharpey’s fibers
      7. medullary cavity or marrow cavity
      8. endosteum
  3. Describe the histological features of bone tissue.
    1. histology of bone tissue
    2. bone or osseous tissue
      1. hydroxyapatite
      2. calcification
      3. osteogenic cell
        1. osteoprogenitor cells
        2. osteoblast
        3. osteocyte
        4. osteoclast
          1. resorption
    3. compact bone tissue
      1. osteon or haversian system
      2. central or haversian canal
      3. concentric lamellae
      4. lacuna (plural is lacunae)
      5. canaliculus (plural is canaliculi)
      6. circumferential lamellae
      7. perforating fibers
    4. spongy bone tissue
      1. trabecula (plural is trabeculae)
    5. blood and nerve supply of bone
      1. periosteal arteries
      2. nutrient artery and foramen
      3. metaphyseal artery
      4. epiphyseal arteries
      5. nutrient veins: epiphyseal, metaphyseal, periosteal
  4. Describe the steps in intramembranous and endochondral ossification.
    1. bone formation
      1. ossification or osteogenesis
      2. intramembranous ossification—steps
      3. endochondral ossification—steps
  5. Describe how bone grows in length and thickness.
    1. bone growth
      1. growth in length
      2. epiphyseal plate
      3. epiphyseal line
      4. growth in thickness
  6. Describe the processes involved in bone remodeling.
    1. bone remodeling
      1. bone resorption
      2. bone deposition
  7. Describe the sequence of events in the repair of a fracture.
    1. fracture; stress fracture
      1. reactive phase—fracture hematoma
      2. fibrocartilaginous callus
      3. bony (hard) callus
      4. bone remodeling
  8. Describe the role of bone in calcium homeostasis.
    1. bone’s role in calcium homeostasis
      1. parathyroid hormone (PTH)
      2. calcitriol
      3. calcitonin (CT)
    2. disorders and medical terminology
      1. osteoporosis
      2. rickets and osteomalacia

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