Biology 235 Human Anatomy and Physiology

Study Guide

Chapter 29
Development and Inheritance


After completing this chapter, you should be able to

  1. explain the major developmental events that take place during the embryonic period and the fetal period.
  2. describe the sources and functions of the hormones secreted during pregnancy.
  3. explain the events associated with the three stages of labour.
  4. discuss the physiology and hormonal control of lactation.

Keywords and Topics

Make certain that you can define, and use in context, each of the terms listed below, and that you understand the significance of each of the concepts.

  1. Explain the major developmental events that take place during the embryonic period and the fetal period.
    1. developmental biology
    2. pregnancy
    3. prenatal development
    4. fertilization
      1. capacitation
      2. corona radiata
      3. zona pellucida
      4. acrosomal reaction
      5. fast block and slow blow block to polyspermy
      6. male pronucleus and female pronucleus
      7. zygote
      8. dizygotic twins or fraternal twins
      9. monozygotic twins or identical twins
      10. conjoined twins
    5. cleavage of the zygote
      1. cleavage
      2. blastomeres
      3. morula
    6. formation of the blastocyst
      1. blastocyst
      2. embryoblast or inner cell mass
      3. trophoblast or the outer superficial layer of cells
    7. implantation
      1. decidua basalis
      2. decidua capsularis
      3. ectopic pregnancy
    8. embryonic membrane
      1. amnion
      2. amniotic fluid
      3. yolk sac
      4. chorion
    9. gastrulation
      1. primary germ layers (3)
      2. ectoderm
      3. mesoderm
      4. endoderm
      5. notochord
    10. neurulation
      1. neural groove
      2. neural fold
    11. development of chorionic villi and placenta
      1. chorionic villi
      2. intervillous spaces
      3. placenta
      4. umbilical cord
      5. afterbirth
      6. umbilicus (navel)
    12. fetal period
  2. Describe the sources and functions of the hormones secreted during pregnancy.
    1. maternal changes during pregnancy
      1. progesterone and estrogens
      2. human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)
      3. relaxin
      4. human chorionic somatomammotropin (hCS) or human placental lactogen (hPL)
      5. corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH)
      6. anatomical and physiological changes during pregnancy
  3. Explain the events associated with the three stages of labour.
    1. labour
      1. parturition
      2. true labour
      3. dilation stage
      4. expulsion stage
      5. placental stage
      6. false labour
      7. puerperium
      8. involution
      9. lochia
    2. adjustments of the infant at birth
      1. respiratory adjustments
      2. cardiovascular adjustments
  4. Discuss the physiology and hormonal control of lactation.
    1. physiology of lactation
      1. lactation
      2. prolactin (PRL)
      3. milk ejection reflex
      4. milk ejection or letdown
      5. colostrum
      6. breast feeding benefits
    2. disorders
      1. infertility
      2. Down syndrome

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